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Thursday, August 26, 2010

Short animation ideas

These are all illegible gibberish at the moment. And godamm my neck is sore.

Harry potter and the half-pipe prince – a picture idea actually, better to write them down though right?

Action comedy adventure extreme

Duke nukem  style man playing computer game, abuses video game developers for making him start a medieval fantasy  game off killing rats, the developers appear and send him into the game, has a wooden sword, hits a rat.. it bounces off.  takes a  massive weapon from somewhere, hits a rat, it gets smushed. Doesn’t speak the language. Grabs a street urchin boy  to be his mule/squire, some girl to be his magician, quickly adjusts their attire… area blocked of by cart, smashes through it. Kills a giant creature instantly, goes to dragon lair, next scene riding a dragon. Kidnaps a princess/builds a castle. Cuts off his arm and attaches it to the boy when he must be in two places at once, with no ill effect.
Can do whatever he wants basically. never say never!, confidence is key and all that.Obviously very deep and meaningful…

Stasis sleep, something goes wrong, glimpse of face, wakes up, destroyed building , noise outside, go outside, dogfight In the sky, stranger near house, plane comes down , stranger and wake-up person dive away, plane crashes into house, explosion,  two pilots, one injured,  lies.  Must travel to a different place for evac/transportation.

God of the world being attacked by a god of a different planet epic fight – sends son away into the world, son has children – either that or he splits his son into shards and sends them into the world.
The ‘world attack’ being stopped by the gods sons children/shard possessed people – they spiritually explode, hurling ‘(smaller)shards’ of themselves all over the world.

The man escaping the slave mine, who becomes possessed by one of the shards as it flees a dying body. (it’s not a complete possession, more like a parasite)
Gets away, works, gets a ladyfriend, chased by those looking to capture or kill people with shards in them, confrontation,  lady finds out about shard, he flees, meets her later, betrayal, then unbetrayal, she dies, another crazy shard man comes, takes her away, she becomes mechanical, alive. He’s Trying to find crazy shard user to get her body back. Or something.

Walking along a thin path to music as people join the walk and fall away, begin alone – end alone. A sad one

Slightly insane surreal ones

A windy plain – a dream – a person glimpsed – a chase

A room with a window , they look out and see all the things they can/want to do – the person never leaves, chains chaining them to things as they wonder about getting out – a voice questions them,  posters on the wall with words on them, questions, statements. Fear, death, routine.
(If I turn it into this it might become  ‘Welcome to the NHK’… which is an anime about a social recluse who never leaves his house…) (Not my intent at all.)

Boy in room, looks out window into room full of stuff he wants to do, wonders if he should go outside but all the little things that chain him there ask him questions to dissuade him, the computer, books, posters on the wall with words on them like fear pain death rejection imperfection effort. They all talk to him whenever he wants to leave, you aren’t good at that, it’s dangerous, what if they say no. what if you fail. It wont work. You’ll never get good enough. Isn’t that hard?

How does that end…

Places to go – a cog in the big machine – or somewhere else
Fear of the unknown , fear of change .Something scary – the unknown , jump in (specific metaphor - a person on a boat, catches glimpses of massive sharks under the surface of the water)
Paths to take – a road well travelled, a road less travelled, a road not travelled, a place with no road at all.
Think you’re happy, content, Parts of the body closed off, how can you know unless you experience them.

Say no to suicide – someone uppercutting the grim reaper, slow mo
Say no to drugs  - uppercutting drugs....

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Flash Game


Draw a line, press play. Little dude slides along the line. Loop-d-loop

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Photoshop Composites

Well here are my photoshop composites...
Somewhere over the rainbow
This one was the first one I did, and I don't mind how it looks. I was trying to achieve an imaginative, fantasy feeling, dreamlike perhaps. This was one of the first things that came to mind, a surfer surfing up a rainbow, over the clouds into another world. And then I added a hat.. and a birdhouse.. maybe he's trying to catch one of those pigeons? Who knows? Okay, Background, surfer, rainbow, clouds, blimp thing are all from the internet, bird house and hat are photos taken by me. Cloud mist and rainbow smoothing drawn with tablet.

 A stitch in time saves nine
Act now to save yourself more work later.I had difficulty in thinking of something for this one. I was going to do a play on words, but decided that stopping cockroaches before they move in might work, and here we have it. I'm not too happy with how it came out. Blurry background photo. Person holding the guns feet are too thin. Background and school bag are taken by me, persons top half and bottom half are separate images, everything else from internet.

Eye of the Tornado
 I considered using an eye somehow originally, but then decided I wanted something a bit... different. It's got a bit of a mother nature/goddess thing going on(hence the statue/idol thing). I wanted the eye of the tornado to be a spinning dancing woman. and I found a photo to match, and my horrible tornado drawing skills made it look terrible. Statue and rock photos taken by me. Not very happy with it. Couldn't think of anything else to put in that wasn't just clutter.

Better to burn out than fade away
Braveheart speech. I wanted overwhelming invaders against one person. And this person had to be involved with fire somehow. I really wish I had found a better background. Much too blurry. Person in front and death scythe man drawn by me, throwing knife on man in front, and knife( a kitchen knife) stabbed into scythe man photos taken by me. The rest from the internet. I wouldn't mind knowing how to draw better. This one came out too dark when I flattened and saved as jpeg. Playing with the brightness makes the foreground char to bright. Should have tweaked it some more.

How the west was won
Cowboys and Indians, well that's what I thought at first, and the idea of the train came from that. But then I thought power and weapons. That's generally how thing's are won. BG, train, aa gun, artillery cannon, tank cannon, Chinese great cannon and train drivers gun are all from the internet. Lamp post/space marine photo taken by me, dark armoured man near post drawn by me.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Logos in Illustrator

Logos and cartoons
Simpsons looks dodgy, bugs bunny looks good, logos are logos.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Photo Composite

Had to make a mini me due to conflicting positions. Shaolin monk in the background there.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

5 interesting restaurants/menus
Inamo restaurant. You can see the food being prepared, touch screen ables. Lots of videos to watch on the website.

Uwink (images speak for themselves)
You can play games while you wait(with strangers as well)

Interactive Wine Bar
Also has an interactive wine bar.
The interactive wine bars are touch screens, with additional information on all the wines.

A restaurant in Nuremberg has no waiters, order via a little screen thing, the meals go down these cool little tracks. Awesome.

5 New technologies
Flyfire  - Little flying helicopters with LEDs that arrange themselves to make an image. Its pretty damn cool. Reminds me of the group of fish that make those shapes in finding nemo.
Coffee table with built in digital newspaper touch screen. It also has other functions, but I like the digital newspaper aspect the most. Excellent idea.
Never heard of this, don't know if it's new(or relevant). TV signal activates childrens toy when the show comes on tv! Crazy. Childrens toys that advertise other childrens toys... genius.
Virtual assistant software. Collects information from various sources and recommends available options. Only relevant because I use it in one of my concepts... Like virtual intelligence.

New motion tracking thing for playstation. Analyzes household objects to be used in game. Playing a baseball game? scan a baseball bat and use that and the playstation eyecam will recognise the bat and track it. Pretty cool.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Homer simpson, Orthotics and Roundup

I should do something about those randomly capitalised words... And that should probably be 'Beaten to death...'

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Photoshop composites

Fruity goodness

Space fun
(spot the palm tree)
The early bird gets the worm

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Interactive installations

That terpsitone was cool. Camille utterback had some interesting things, like the pong game. The problem is most of them don't have much purpose to their interactivity, you stand their, the lines connect you, sure it's cool for a minute or two, but then it's just boring. Well they do open your eyes to new possibilities, I guess.
On one of the other sites, the big eye creature on the building was a cool concept, but the actual pupil was just bad.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Homework oh yay

oh&s    -
1-10   3 and 4/5
11-20 8/9

Find incidents of workplace accidents relating to digital media... somehow...
Early bird gets the worm composite

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Idnworld things

I browsed through most of the pages on that site, nothing truly got me excited or interested to a great extent. There were either videos or artist portfolios/works to look at. Here are some of them that I thought were alright.

Under Armour "Fierce Speed" :30 from Shilo on Vimeo.

It made me go, "awesome", and then it was a shoe, well cleats. Awesome special effects and lighting. One of those ads that has absolutely nothing to do with the product. Still, I'd buy it. If I needed them.

This was a quality coca cola animated video advertisement. Just watch it. Very busy and imaginative. The coin rolling down the hill was good. Well all of it was good. Also ridiculous, I would not wait that long for a coke. Well, maybe if the vending machine was transparent.

Some artists I liked. (We'll count this as one entry, as all I have to say is "I like the style")

Concept and design artist, I like the style. The website is a little confusing to me. No stupid shapes with flat colours, all flowing and shaded and what not.

Artist, web designer. Made a 3d facebook application?? I like the imagination and creativity of the images. Love the high quality of the images. Very nice.
Love the style. Various looks and feelings from the illustrations.

Graphic design company, with the usual random shapes and colours and splatters and blegh that I hate about design, but that rodent hugging that... thing, made me smile. Their actual site has animations, videos and other things they've done. Pretty good.

It's a little ad for a game. Very interesting style of game I've never really seen before, combining standard 2d platformer with a 3d function. Well it changes the view/angle, so it's different at least.

Very strange milk advertisement. Pretty funny, very well animated. Style reminds me of Shrek. But who goes to so much trouble to advertise milk? People with too much money! And that get the glass site had a lot of money thrown at it too. Hmm, I'm buying a milk cow. $$$

Oh and one more,

A music video. Terrible music, but I liked the animation. Why? No idea, maybe because it was different and strange. Or maybe it was the eyes.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Garageband fun... well, fail.

I couldn't figure out how to have an audio player on the blog. Anyway, I wouldn't listen to it if I were you... 

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Get the glass review

I found the game to be quite boring, as I did not care for the plight of the adachi family. The game is luck based, too random, little skill involved, and ultimately unrewarding. The American based knowledge questions didn't help. Putting the flowers in the girls hair was awkward. Very nice visuals though, good use of shadows and light. The environment looks good. Best part was rolling the dice, yay for physics and the thrill of chance.

It has been a while... QBN things

See if this still works.
Some exciting things from
Nifty site for Jim Carrey

Tutorials and the like.

Fake HDR photos tutorial

Handy photomaniptricks

Adobe Lightroom looks interesting -
Graphic designer, normally I don't like most of the design work I see, but this is nice work, well some of it is, 'freestyle' and 'just for you'. Website is a bit weird, navigate at the bottom.